Thursday, October 18, 2012

And there is always a but.....

Sorry I am so far behind in posts!  I have 2 other posts to make besides this one.  So expect those over the next few days!

Well today is the big 6 week mark!  I went back to my RE today to have our first ultrasound and discuss next steps.  Since my last post I have felt so much better about everything!  I think I just needed and emotional day to get past it and to start thinking positive again.  That doesn't mean that I was any less anxious about today though.  6 weeks is just one of those maybe/maybe not mile stones as far as seeing much on the ultrasound and I really, really, really needed to be able to see something on the ultrasound.  My husband went with me and boy was I glad he did!! 

This is what we saw:

Yup we have a baby there!!  It was surreal to see our little bean!  And then.....  our ultrasound tech said "do you see that little flicker?"  and I had to look closely because initially I did not see it but it was there!  The heart beat!!  I asked her if she was going to be able to measure it and give us a number and she did, a beautiful 115!!  The goal in the 6th week is 100-128 since it just started to beat!  To say we were beyond thrilled was an understatement. Every time she moved the probe I just wanted to see the baby and its little heart!  She also told me that we are currently measuring 6w1d which is as she said "you have a little over achiever!"  I told her that I had thought I O'd a day early this cycle so I was not really surprised by the measurement!
She gave us 3 little pictures as a keep sake! 
And then we went to the waiting room to wait for our doctor's appointment.  Of course at this point things became so much more real and the hubs and I discussed lots of future things because we just could not contain our excitement! 
We finally saw the doctor and he said "everything looks good BUT... you have a subchorionic hemorrhage."  What!!  Are you kidding me!!  I mean really!  My heart just sank instantly because things aren't as perfect as we thought 10 minutes ago.  Its a small hemorrhage measuring in at 0.55cm, but its there.  My RE said he was not that concerned by it because it was so small so I am going to have to go with that over the next week.  He wants another ultrasound next Thursday because of the hemorrhage just to check to see if its gone, bigger, or stable.  As long as all is well after that appointment I will be released back to my regular OBGYN.  He told me to call my OB today and go ahead and get an appointment set up since it can take a few weeks sometimes.  So now we wait another week. 
I will pray and pray and pray that everything turns out OK.  I of course did the no-no thing and googled and could not find anyone posting anything about a hemorrhage as small as mine and another website said something along the lines as long as it stays stable or improves that the chance of continuing on as a health pregnancy is 81% so for now I will take those odds because they are in my favor! 
Grow little baby grow!  and Go away little hemorrhage!!


  1. I am so glad that you were able to see and hear the babies heartbeat. I know that's what you were worried about and I'm happy you got that moment. On another note, I hope the hemorrhage goes away it maintains stable. Keeping you in my prayers.

  2. I'm sorry to hear about the hemorrhage and I'm hoping it is no big deal. It's encouraging to hear that the doctor isn't too worried about it and that the odds seem to be in your favor. So cool that you got to hear the heartbeat!
