Friday, September 7, 2012

This is what I know so far.

So far I know that I started my next cycle yesterday 9/6/12 however since it was after 4pm my RE office is counting today (9/7/12) as CD 1.  My CD 3 labs will actually be CD 4 labs on Monday because I am teaching nursing students this weekend and really wont have a chance to break away.  And my RE office was not fond of my idea of having somebody in my hospital draw my labs.  So be that as it may I am OK with this plan.

Then I have will have my HSG next Friday.  I am already excited and nervous about this all in one!!  I am hoping I am lucky enough to have a radiologist who will talk to me as this is happening and will explain a little bit about it as we go.  I remember in nursing school going through a rotation and watching this happen.  Its funny the things that stick in your brain.  I always thought I would end up doing something with obstetrics, however that is not where God lead me. 

I also did some research about CD 1- CD 3 follicle counts and found some very interesting information that I did not know!!  What I found out yesterday is that this early it is considered an antral follicle count.  This plays into perspective with your chance of conceiving with IVF in particular and when you will go into menopause.  I found out that my antral follicle count is on the high side of normal so according to some websites if I had to use IVF I "should" have a higher probability of conceiving then someone else.  But this is not without risk.  Some one with a higher than normal antral follicle count could easily be over stimulated with drugs leading to some severe problems.

Here is a link that I will leave you with tonight that goes into detail about antral follicle count:

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