Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Perfect Golf Game

Sometimes it's so hard to take my mind off of TTC, but I know I have to sometimes to help my relationship with DH.  We struggle with this issue as I am sure some other IF couples have.  I become so focused on wanting a baby that I push our relationship aside.

So yesterday DH only had a half day of work and I was off and we went golfing!  DH loves to golf and he wanted to go so I agreed.  I like golf I just suck at it!  We decided at the beginning of the game that there was an 8 stroke limit.  This way we would prevent to many people from having to play through us.  Well on our 9-hole game I made a perfect 8 on each hole!  Ha!  To bad the object is lowest score wins.

It was a nice relaxing afternoon with the wind blowing through the golf cart and just relaxing trying not to think about TTC.  DH smokes on occasion (which I hate by the way) and since we have our RE appointment coming up I have asked him to quit.  In fact our RE's office has a no smoking policy saying that they have the right to not treat smokers since it can impact the treatments that they do.  I thought that this policy would help him to quit, but it hasn't.  This frustrates me.  I feel like if I have to go through the testing and possible hormone injections that the least he could do is quit.  At our golf game though I bit my tongue, it wasn't supposed to be a day focused on TTC so I just kept my mouth shut, no matter how much it bothered me....

Oh the joys of TTC on my mind.

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