I have been MIA from the Internet world for nearly a week now. Work has been crazy busy and my family came into town this weekend. So its been a nice busy break!
I should be around 4-5 DPO at this point of my last cycle before we officially start fertility treatment. We have been on our own with this for far to long, and I am ready to move on to the next step. The nice thing about this past week though as I have thought very little about me and my journey, I guess because I am at peace with moving forward. I have thought a lot about the ladies I follow on here and over at the ovagraph world who have been trying for a long time and/or are on similar journeys. We all deserve this and one day our wishes will come trued!
I know that I O monthly, that has been confirmed, however I rarely feel O pain. I seem to only be able to feel it a couple of times a year. Well this was one of those cycles where I am pretty sure what I was feeling on CD 13 was O pain. The last time I felt it was with my January cycle, which was also the cycle we conceived. Of course that leaves me hopeful for this month just like all of the other past months but I am also going to be realistic since our chances of conceiving on our own are a mere 1-2%. The other weird thing about this cycle is that on Saturday I was woken up in the middle of the night with cramps, which also happened with the January cycle, however I am way to early as far as DPO for any type of implantation cramps. On a very rare cycle will I have any type of breast pain and so far since the day of ovulation they have definitely been sore. So my assumption is that maybe this month my progesterone is just surging higher than my norm. Gosh you have to hate the side effects of that hormone sometimes! Playing tricks with my mind!!
I have officially had all of my testing now for infertility! My RE has personally called me 3 times with results! I have really been shocked by that. I could see his nurse calling me but not him personally. Of course this makes me happy! He also does not rush off of the phone. First he called when my FSH came back (it was 6. something), left a voice mail and said it was normal. Since he called with that lab result I just assumed that all of my labs must have been back and with in normal limits also. I was wrong. A mere three days later he calls me again (while I am in the waiting room for my HSG) and tells me that all of my labs were back at that time and all perfectly normal. I do not know physical numbers yet but I will when I go back this Friday for my next appointment. He then called me again this past Thursday to let me know he received the report from the radiologist that my HSG was normal. I let him know that since I am an inpatient person I had already had my husband print my report while he was at work! HA! RE got a good laugh at that. While I had him on the phone I asked him about my right sided uterus and he said normally that is a perfectly normal finding, however once I bring him the disc on Friday that shows the physical HSG he will know more if mine still looks normal.
I asked him if at this point we would be in the category of "unexplained infertility" and he said yes. He said since all lab work looks good, as far as he knows HSG is normal and DH's SA was (in his words) phenomenal, we are left unexplained.
So be that as it may we will work out an official plan this Friday. It should be a medicated IUI as we discussed before. At my last appointment we discussed Clomid + IUI, I just overall need more information about the whole process as far as will we trigger, how often will we follow my follicles with ultrasound, etc. DH is leaving to go out of town this Friday so he wont be able to make it to this appointment so I asked him to give me a few questions that he wants me to ask the RE. Next week I will be leaving for a presentation that I have to do at a conference in Pittsburgh. I am sure it might not be a bad thing if I have to start Clomid while I am out of town, in case it causes me to be grumpy!
Always remember that I am praying for you that are also on this stinking infertility journey. It will definitely make us stronger parents once we all receive our gift!!
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