Over the past 6 or 7 years I have had intermittent pre AF spotting, ranging from 5 days before down to 1 day before. It seems as time goes on however it has become more of a problem. Over the past year I would have to say that it has definitely occurred every cycle (minus the cycle I had a BFP). Ever since my miscarriage it has been more consistently there 5 days before AF starts. It really is annoying for me to think about because if I spot for 5 days before AF, have AF which is usually 5-6 days and then spot for another 3-4 days then I am actually bleeding for about 2 weeks in a 28 day cycle. Something is wrong with that.
I was supposed to start my pre AF spotting yesterday, and nothing happened. In the back of my mind that brought some extra hope however I do not have the feeling that I had in February where I just new I was pregnant. I put it at the back of my mind knowing that I would wake up and spotting would be there. Heck I even had a dream last night that I went to the restroom and spotting was clearly evident. (Yup TTC has officially invaded my dreams). So today nothing happened. And this afternoon nothing happened. And then I noticed my BB's were sore and I was incredibly hopeful! Only to use the restroom tonight and have my hopes smashed in my face.
I hate my period! It really tortures me every month. I dread the thought of having it and not because it means it was another BFN month but because they are crazy painful. I usually start to feel nauseated about a week before AF. I hoard drugs from previous surgeries of drugs for my husbands herniated discs that did not work for him in order to ensure I have some relief from AF. I had surgery in December to help my paralyzed vocal cord and instead of truly managing that pain I took the least amount of pain medicine as possible because I new I needed it more for AF.
The more and more I think about it the more and more I know that my cramps have to be part of our TTC problem. And now ever since our MC I always have right sided ovarian pain that feels like some one is reaching in body and twisting my ovary and Fallopian tube as hard as then can.
I have self diagnosed my self with an endometrioma..... I am hopeful that I will have some answers about this on Thursday at my first RE appointment!!
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