Friday, August 17, 2012

My Breast Friend!

So I have to say the other day when I went for my ultrasound that the breast center that I went to was amazingly organized and quick!  Turns out though that unfortunately I ended up having to get a mammogram anyway which was unexpected to me.  It is just there protocol that anyone over the age of 25 that feels a lump has to have a mammogram.  My mammogram included 9 squeezing films!  Yuck!

The ironic thing about having this unexpected mammogram is that they couldn't see anything on the mammogram other then my "dense" fibrocystic changes.  So I proceeded on to my ultrasound.  The lady was very nice and half way through she said "everything is looking good so far, I just see a lot of cysts."  No big deal right??  Well then she got quiet.....  I knew that she had found something I just didn't know what.  So after she completed the ultrasound she told me just to lay there and relax she just had to go to "make sure" the report uploaded in the other room.  Again I knew this meant she was going to get the doctor.  Sure enough less than 2 minutes later the doctor walks in, starts scanning my left breast himself and shows me my little "tumor."  The good thing is that he "thinks" its a fibroadenoma which is generally a benign tumor, however the only way to definitively diagnose that is through a fine needle biopsy.  Or he said that I could have an Ultrasound every six months for about 2 years to watch and make sure it does not grow.  My pick.  He said that if he was overly concerned he wouldn't give me a choice he would just say "biopsy it is."

At this point I am just going to think about it, pray about it and hope that I hear God when he guides me to the decision that I need to make.  For today I am not worried.

I was reading about these little fibroadenoma's online and it refers to these types of tumors as like mice!   What!!  I have a mouse in my boob!!  They call them mice because they like to "run and hide" when messed with!  Clever!


This weekend I plan on creating a tab with our TTC journey! 

Feel free to give me your thoughts on what you would do in my shoes, because maybe your guidance is what God wants me to know!

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